8.4 Lab Report Instructions

8.4.1 R Script

  1. Use cor() to do the following:
    1. Calculate the bivariate correlation between LSRP and Tolerance.
    2. Calculate the bivariate correlation between HR_B and HR_CP.
    3. Compute a correlation matrix between all variables.
  2. Use psych::corr.test() to do the following:
    1. Produce a correlation matrix between all variables and p values for all correlations.
  3. Use cor.test() to do the following:
    1. Test the correlation between LSRP and Tolerance.
  4. Use lm(), scale(), summary(), residuals(), and shapiro.test() to do the following:
    1. Compute the bivariate correlation between SRP and Tolerance. Check the value matches what you obtained in prior steps.
    2. Conduct a test of the non-normality of the residuals.
  5. Use the ggplot2 package to create a scatter plot with linear trendline showing the relationship between SRP and Tolerance.

8.4.2 Results

The results section should include the following:

  • Total number of subjects.
  • M and SD for psychopathy and pain tolerance variables.
  • Results of the null-hypothesis significance test for the correlation between psychopathy and pain tolerance.
  • Description of efforts to diagnose problems with statistical assumptions and data distributions.
  • A figure visualizing the relationship between psychopathy and pain tolerance. The figure should display individual data points as well as a trendline reflecting the relationship between the two variables. The figure note should include the r value for the relationship between psychopathy and pain tolerance.
  • A correlation table containing bivariate correlations for all variables in the dataset.

8.4.3 Discussion Questions

Provide short answer responses to the following:

  • Provide a statement of support or non-support for your primary hypothesis. Restate your findings in plain language (i.e., without reference to specific statistical tests or values).
  • Although your primary hypothesis was about the relationship between psychopathy and pain tolerance, you also measured other variables. What conclusions or interpretations could you draw from these relationships (i.e., those presented in the correlation table)?
  • Describe one limitation of the study and how it may have influenced the findings.
  • What is an implication of this research for future research, programs, or policy?